

Winter and Holiday Jamboree Registration is open!

Posted by JAHA Webmaster on Nov 10 2022 at 11:57AM PST in Fall 2022

Hello JAHA!

Winter Registration and Holiday Jamboree Registration are now open! The winter season registration will be left open until December 16th and will offer Co-Ed A-D, Women’s, and 35+ tiers, with games starting in Early January. Holiday Jamboree registration will be open through November 22, with games starting on December 4. For those of you who may be new to JAHA, Holiday Jamboree is a mixed skill for fun tournament that we offer in December. We usually have 5-6 teams that play a round robin format consisting of around 5 games through the first 2 weeks in December. It is a chance for players to play on teams with friends who are in other tiers, and we are very accommodating of player requests.

The registration page text has not yet been updated, but the links and instructions are still accurate. To register, navigate to the following page and follow the instructions. PLEASE ensure that you give yourself adequate time before the end of registration period if you are purchasing your USA hockey registration as there can be up to a 24 hour delay before Active’s system will recognize it as valid.

If you have any additional issues or questions, please reach out at

Thanks and see you on the ice!

-Andrew Dimond, JAHA President.


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