Registration will remain open until Wednesday night 12/22
Hello all,
Given the number of people who missed the deadline or had issues registering, we have opened registration back up until Wednesday Night (12/22). For those of you who missed the deadline, please take advantage of the next day and a half and get signed up!
For those of you who ran into the “we are temporarily unable to validate your USA hockey number”, please try the following fixes.
1) selecting any other variants of your name that exist under the “person” menu, or selecting the “new skater” option.
2) switching devices/browsers.
Almost every person who has had this issue has been able to circumvent it with one of these 2 fixes. If you are still unable to get your USA hockey number verified, please reach out to us with your USA hockey number and the tier you would like to play in at
As of right now, we are very close to have enough skaters to have regular tiers across the board, though we will reserve making any final decisions until registration closes as there are still quite a few people waiting to register.
Thanks, and get signed up!
-Andrew Dimond, JAHA President