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Looking for additional information from players who hit USA hockey verification issues when registering

Posted by JAHA Webmaster on Dec 20 2021 at 05:09PM PST in Fall 2021

HI All,

As I’m sure a rather large handful of you are aware, we’ve run into some issues getting players USA hockey numbers verified. The specific error was “we are temporarily unavailable to verify the USA hockey confirmation number. Please try again later.” However even after multiple days this error wouldn’t resolve.

So far, two workarounds have been found:

1) selecting any other variants of your name that exist under the “person” menu, or selecting the “new skater” option.
2) switching devices/browsers.

If you ran into this error, would you mind providing me with the following information

1) Which one of these steps did you take to remedy your issue? If you found another way, let us know
2) If you switched devices, what device did and didn’t work (i.e. pc didn’t work, but phone did)
3) if you switched browsers, what browser worked and what didn’t (i.e. internet explorer worked but chrome didn’t)
4) Any other info you think might be relevant.

I’d like to provide feedback to Active about this and have workarounds ready for next fall’s registration.


-Andrew Dimond, JAHA president.


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