News and Announcements

Rule Change Update

Posted by JAHA Webmaster at Oct 12, 2019 10:13AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Earlier this season, a few proposed rule changes were noticed to the JAHA membership:

  1. Eliminating helmet stickers in favor of a list of eligible players that scorekeepers can reference.
  2. Changing the roster freeze date from two weeks to four games.
  3. Allowing full slap shots in Tier B.

We heard your feedback, considered the options forward as a board, and are moving forward as follows for each rule:

  1. HELMET STICKER ELIMINATION: No more stickers! Instead, the JHO scorekeeper has a reference list of all eligible and verified JAHA players and to double-verify, names can be validated against this website. It’s up to players to notify the scorekeeper if there is ever a question over a player’s registration status. Remember, every player on the ice must be registered for both JAHA and USA Hockey to be allowed to play. Failure to abide by this could put everyone on the ice at risk if there is injury and egregious violations could put all organized adult hockey in Juneau at risk. While there was discussion of printing, storing, and distributing roster labels for each team, this has proven to be much more complicated than originally planned and so you will need to continue to write names on your scoresheet OR if you have a team member who wants to produce labels for your team, you are always welcome to do so.
  2. ROSTER FREEZE DATE: We got some great feedback that basically was: given how games are scheduled, “four games” may not allow for an accurate observation of teams’ competitive parity since not every team may play the other over this span. We will adopt the rule change as-is (since both two weeks and four games have already passed), work on an updated version that considers the feedback we received, and update it again before Winter season.
  3. TIER B SLAP SHOTS: After careful consideration of the concerns we received-primarily that this rule could increase the number of injuries-and discussion, the board decided to allow full slap shots in Tier B effective Sunday, October 13th, and will observe games for the remainder of the Fall season. The main drivers behind this decision were: the availability of protective gear for those concerned about injury (i.e. full cages) and the positive impact to the flow of Tier B games by eliminating whistles for over-the-waist windups that are difficult to be consistent with. Secondarily, the lack of observed injuries in Tier A directly related to full slap shots, the low number of opportunities for players to actually take these shots, and the idea that players will never get better at slap shots if they aren’t allowed to try them also contributed to this decision.

A little more on slap shots: we encourage you to PRACTICE your slap shot in a non-game situation before trying it out with your team and WATCH YOUR WINDUP. A high stick on a windup is still a penalty, so be mindful of who is around before you line up a slapper.

Thank you all for your participation in this change to JAHA’s rules! We are always looking for ways to advance the sport here in Juneau and trying to keep how we run current based on user feedback is one way we can do that.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

See you on the ice!

—Commissioner Soza

Fall 2019 Kickoff!

Posted by JAHA Webmaster at Sep 8, 2019 12:10PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

JAHA Players,

It’s that time again, can you believe it? The leaves are changing color, the cohos are jumping, and the ice is ready for some JAHA action. Remember, if you have any questions at all, please let us know.

As always, please take a second to read some housekeeping items below. If you show up at the rink and are confused about something, don’t say we didn’t try to warn you:

  • FEAR IS (NOT) THE KEY: Despite what Iron Maiden says, fear is out as the key this year—you will now need an actual physical key to get into your assigned locker room at the rink! You will need to pick up the key at the front desk by trading your own keys for it. This is also a great time to pick up a scoresheet. Please keep locker rooms doors locked when vacant and keep the key with you on the bench. If a member of your team shows up late for a game, they will need to get the key from you. Remember to lock the locker room and turn in the key within 30 minutes of your game ending so the key is ready for the next team. Work it out amongst your team if the person who traded their keys for the locker room key needs to leave early. We can do this!
  • NO. MORE. STICKERS: I know some of you were trying to get the whole collection, but JAHA stickers are no longer being distributed. A list of eligible players will be made available to the scorekeeper and referees. If there is any question as to someone’s registration status, this list will serve to verify the player. Remember that an unregistered player on the ice puts everyone at risk—in case of injury, USA Hockey may deny insurance coverage if an unregistered player is on the ice and JAHA’s standing as an affiliate can be revoked. If you are on your team’s roster on the website, you will be on the list.
  • MIXED SKILL REMINDERS: If you are in a mixed skill tier – Tier 40+ and Women’s Tier – and you need a player sub, remember that the sub in must be of similar skill as your missing player AND you must get the opposing team’s approval for your substitute per JAHA rule C4. One of your players being gone isn’t an opportunity to stack your team for a win; that’s just not very sporting!
  • RULES, RULES, RULES: In addition to USA Hockey rules that apply to all JAHA games, JAHA has its own set of rules that are also enforced. Any disciplinary actions called for in JAHA’s rules, like suspensions, are in addition to any USA Hockey actions. Take some time to be familiar with both sets of rules before the season starts.
  • TELL IT TO THE BOARD: The only way we can get better as an adult hockey association is if we know where our weaknesses are and the best source for that information is YOU! Please take a moment to fill out our super quick survey at:

That’s all! If there’s still something you have a question about, check out the Frequently Asked Questions link over in the left menu or get in touch with us using the Contact Us link in the top menu.

Have fun and I look forward to seeing you on the ice!

— Commissioner Soza

Proposed Rule Changes & Rink Updates

Posted by JAHA Webmaster at Sep 5, 2019 6:39PM PDT ( 1 Comment )

As the season approaches, we need to inform you of a change to how locker rooms are handled at the rink and present you with proposed changes to JAHA’s internal rules.

To help prevent vandalism and ensure the safety of folks’ belongings at the rink, locker room doors will be kept locked going forward. This is standard practice at many rinks outside of Juneau.

As you show up for games, the first arriving player for your team will need to trade their car keys to check out the key for your team’s assigned locker room. It is your responsibility to keep the locker room locked while you are on the ice and to lock it as you exit. If the player who turned in their car keys isn’t the last one to leave, they can trade their keys for another player’s at the front desk. The idea is to minimize the risk that the locker room key goes home with someone. Again, this is standard practice for many rinks outside of Juneau.

If you have questions or concerns, please let us know at

See the document linked to this announcement for the full text of the proposed rule changes described below. The rule change process is pretty straightforward: we are presenting these proposed changes out to you, our members, for your thoughts and feedback. You have until September 15th to consider these proposed changes and get any questions, suggestions, or concerns to us at If a proposed rule needs more work or simply doesn’t have support, the JAHA Board will either revise and restart the 10 day notice period or withdraw the proposed rule altogether. Each of these proposed rules were voted on independently, so if one rule doesn’t appear to have support, that doesn’t stop the others from going forward.

Please review the attached document so you are fully informed of the proposed changes! In a nutshell, the proposed changes are:

  • Allow full slapshots instead of waist-high only slapshots in Co-Ed Tier B. (They are already allowed in Co-Ed Tier A.)
  • Revise the way we verify eligible players to move away from stickers and instead rely on a list of current players available to the on- and off-ice officials and pre-populate scoresheets with JAHA-vetted roster labels.
  • Move from a four week roster freeze date to a four game roster freeze date to ensure teams have played an equal number of games, allowing for a more even comparison when looking at trading players to maintain competitive parity.

The timing of this notice does mean that these rules will become effective after a handful of games have been played. We will work with JHO to ensure they are applied at the correct date.

Note regarding the elimination of helmet stickers: Because this is a marked efficiency and actually improves the ability of officials to verify players quickly, we did not order new helmet stickers for this season and so none will be distributed. Instead, we will begin piloting the official player list immediately and make it available to officials at the beginning of the season. The rule change will simply formalize this test period.

Again, please send any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns to by September 15th to ensure your voice is heard on these proposed changes.

Thank you all for being a part of JAHA and we’ll see you on the ice soon!

— Commissioner Soza

The document Proposed_Rule_Changes_9.5.19.pdf was attached to this post.

2018 Holiday Jamboree

Posted by JAHA Webmaster at Nov 28, 2018 8:54PM PST ( 0 Comments )

See attached for FINAL teams and schedule for the upcoming JAHA Holiday Jamboree season!

We ended up with six teams, each getting five games between 12/2 and 12/16.

Team names are subject to change as we confirm sponsored teams, but the team rosters and schedules are set.

Once team names are confirmed, we’ll do our best to get teams and schedules loaded into the website, but to be sure you don’t miss any games you should save the attached document and mark your team’s games on your calendar!

See you on the ice!

The document 2018_JAHA_Holiday_Jamboree_-_FINAL.pdf was attached to this post.

Post Author Picture

15th Anniversary Gifts - Round 2!

Posted by JAHA Webmaster at Nov 28, 2018 7:54PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Did you miss the first round of pickups for the 15th Anniversary JAHA t-shirts?

No worries! We’ll be doing it again for the start of the Holiday Jamboree this coming Sunday, 12/2.

Swing by the rink between 5pm and 7pm to pick up your gift. If you can’t make it, send someone on your behalf, just make sure to let us know who it is at

Remember that we only ordered enough for those who signed up by 9/2. T-shirts that are leftover after this Sunday will be re-distributed to those who signed up later in the year and/or didn’t select a t-shirt size at registration. All other leftovers will be given out as banquet prizes next spring!

So if you want your shirt, please make sure to pick it up or make arrangements to have it picked up.

If you do NOT want your shirt, please let us know at so we can get it to someone who does.